What is a Yakiniku Restaurant in Japan?

Yes, travelers are still booking their vacations. Even though the covid-19 pandemic has currently brought a stop to a lot of traveling options, it will one day end. This means travelers are still looking into their travel destination options, as they look forward to the day when the current restrictions are lifted so the traveling community can once again get back on track to enjoying their travels. Read More

Spotlight in Kyoto

Currently planning your next trip to Japan? While the capital of Japan is Tokyo, Kyoto is knows as Japan’s cultural capital, as it was the capital city of Japan until 1868. Since there are many fascinating, educational, and historical things to see and explore when choosing to vacation in Kyoto, ready to learn more about what to focus on when choosing to visit Japan’s cultural center? Read More

Things To Do in Tokyo

Why visit Tokyo, Japan? There are many wonderful locations in the world for people to travel to, making it a good idea for travelers to explore a variety of locations in order to find the best destination for them. Since current trends for 2020 and 2021 include traveling to Asia, learning what some of the more popular things to do in Tokyo, Japan is a great idea. Read More

Best Day Trips from Tokyo

Currently planning your next trip to Tokyo? Tokyo is the capital of Japan, and is still known as one of the world’s greatest cities to visit. Tokyo offers visitors the chance to explore its interesting cultural history, making it a great place to visit for those who enjoy cultural-based trips. It’s also a place that’s seen as a leader in things like fashion and technology, making it a city that offers both historical and modern things to see and do. Read More

Travel Products to Pack for an Eco-friendly Vacation

Whether you’re someone who has recently decided to start focusing on taking eco-friendly vacations, or someone who has always focused on eco- friendly travel, you need to always be on top of the best travel products that are deemed to be acceptable for this type of vacation. Eco-friendly travel is continuing to grow in popularity, and is synonymous with environmentally-friendly travel and green travel.

Why an Eco-friendly Vacation?

More and more people are looking into their low impact travel options nowadays. This explains why there are so many ecotourism companies to choose from, which is great news for those who are looking to book their next eco-friendly vacation. So why are more people choosing to lessen their footprint when traveling? Because they care about the world we live in, and they want to do their part when it comes to preserving our beautiful planet.

A few eco-friendly traveling tips? Stay in a green hotel, support businesses that support green travel, support cafes and restaurants that use locally grown food, and lastly, be sure to always use eco-friendly travel products.

Travel Products to Pack for Eco-friendly Vacations

The following is a list of eco-friendly travel products that every green traveler should further explore.


  • BPA-free Water Bottles: there are many really cool green water bottles available nowadays, making it easy to purchase one of them so all someone has to do is refill the bottle.
  • Eco-friendly Coffee Cups: for travelers to enjoy drinking their morning coffee (or tea, or soda, or juice, or even wine!), environmentally-friendly coffee cups are available. With proper care, a quality cup will last forever!
  • Reusable Straws: straws are a large pollution problem. This makes it a great idea to buy reusable straws, which are made using a quality plastic or glass.
  • Reusable Food Containers: travelers who use reusable food containers are choosing a perfect alternative to the plastic bags and Styrofoam containers that are so popular when ordering food on the go.
  • Reusable Cutlery: there’s no need to use throw away plastic knives, spoons and forks anymore, as there are quite a few reusable cutlery choices available these days.
  • Ocean-friendly Sunscreen: be sure to choose a sunscreen that won’t hurt the ocean, including the planet’s vanishing coral reefs.
  • Turkish Towels: instead of using bulky beach towels, ethically sourced Turkish towels are a great lightweight and compact alternative.
  • A Solar Charger: a solar charger harnesses energy from the sun, reducing and even eliminating the electricity needs of a traveler.
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    Why Now is the Time to Start Planning Your 2018 Christmas Vacation

    Why is now the perfect time to start planning your 2018 Christmas vacation? It’s only been a couple of months or so since the last holiday season has passed and you’re just getting back into your regular everyday routine of life. While it may seem just a little early for you to be thinking about planning your next Christmas vacation, right now is a great time to start planning! By starting your 2018 Christmas vacation planning now, you’re simply giving yourself the best chance at making sure everything you’re envisioning in your mind for this year’s Christmas holiday is going to indeed come true.

    2018 Christmas Vacation Planning

    Ask yourself – Was there anything I wish I could’ve done and didn’t get to do this past Christmas? Was there something my family wanted to do that we simply couldn’t afford to do? Or was something we wanted to do completely booked so we weren’t able to do it? This is why now is the perfect time for you to start planning your 2018 Christmas vacation.

    Why plan early?

  • Because you’re going to save a good chunk of money. If you vacation regularly then you know that when you book your flight and choose your accommodations early you’re simply going to get better rates. Now you’re simply going to need to decide whether you’re going to put this saved money away for a rainy day or use it to start your Christmas vacation spending fund.
  • Because you’re going to get better choices. When you start planning your 2018 Christmas vacation early you’re pretty much guaranteed to get your first choice picks for everything as nothing should be sold out yet. The majority of accommodations located at some of the more popular Christmas vacation destinations are often booked by October, making early Christmas vacation planning especially essential for those who have a particular destination in mind.
  • Because if you wait until June or July you won’t have as many choices because other vacation planners are going to be thinking the same thing – book a few months early in order to get the best rates and choices.
  • Because if you start planning now you don’t have to worry about planning later in the year.
  • Because you’re going to have peace of mind. Priceless!
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    Island of Ishigaki in Japan (Beaches and Foodies)

    Why visit Japan? There are so many reasons! The unique Japanese culture, the historical landmarks, the famous Buddhist Temples, Mount Fuji, and traditional Japanese cuisine are all just a few of the many reasons why Japan should be on every traveler’s bucket list.

    While Japan has always been a popular tourist destination, there are still a few areas that are a little less unknown, making these tucked away gems great destination spots for vacationers who enjoy their privacy. One of these hidden gems is the island of Ishigaki. In fact, this beautiful Japanese island recently took the #1 spot on TripAdvisor’s “Destinations of the Rise” list for 2018, even beating out an Hawaii destination. Wow!

    Island of Ishigaki in Japan – Beaches

    The island of Ishigaki is located in Okinawa. A short 3-hour trip out of Tokyo takes you to this quaint Japanese island located in the southwestern area. The gorgeous blue green beach waters and white sands are just the beginning when it comes to the gorgeous landscapes found on this Japanese island. Giant coral reefs are a huge allure for snorkelers and the tropical climate allows anyone to kick back on the beach with a goal of simply soaking up the sun.

    List of Top Beaches in Ishigaki:

    Fusaki Beach: Well-known for its beautiful sunsets.

    Maezato Beach: A popular beach located close to the city’s center.

    Sukuji Beach: Close to Kabira Bay, this beach is known for its shallow waters.

    Sunset Beach: The almost one-hour drive is worth it to see this gorgeous beach.

    Yonehara Beach: Coral reefs are this beaches allure.

    Kuura Beach: Private transport is needed to visit this beautiful and fairly private beach.

    Uganzaki Beach: Gorgeous views are part of this beaches attraction, as well as its close location to Uganzaki’s lighthouse.

    Island of Ishigaki in Japan – Foodies

    The local cuisine is truly like no other, making the island of Ishigaki a popular destination spot for foodies! Because Ishigaki cuisine is more tropical-based when compared to many other islands, it takes on a whole new and exciting flavor that simply can’t be found anywhere else in the world. In fact, the lifestyle on the island tends to revolve around the food, exciting everyone’s taste buds so much that there are always food-based special events taking place to accommodate both locals and vacationers. Nice!

    Daily seafood specialties are a huge focus, as well as Yaeyama soba noodles, which are quite popular as they offer a different take on these popular and delicious noodles. Island grown peppers are available for those who like to add a little spice to their food.

    Travel Makers MD

    image source: Copyright: <a href=’https://www.123rf.com/profile_bee32′>bee32 / 123RF Stock Photo</a>