Currently planning your next trip to Athens? Athens is the capital of Greece, a popular travel destination for travelers who are looking to explore one of the world’s oldest cities. While visiting Athens can make for a great vacation, many travelers will choose to further explore other areas of Greece, making booking a day trip from Athens a great idea.
Best Day Trips from Athens
The list below includes four of the best day trips from Athens.
1. Delphi. Delphi is one of the more popular day trips travelers can take from Athens. Choosing a guide is recommended, as there are many monuments to enjoy and explore when in Delphi. Guides inform travelers on the history of the area, including why Delphi was once considered to be the ‘Center of the World.’ One of the archaeological sites is a UNESCO site, making this day trip a must for travelers who enjoy learning about classical Greece.
2. Cape Sounion. This day trip includes exploring the Temple of Poseidon, which is a must see when visiting Greece. While the area has been considered a sacred area since the Bronze Age, the actual Temple was built sometime in the 5th century. The Temple was dedicated to Poseidon, made of marble, and contained 34 columns, of which only 13 have survived over the years. The area offers the most spectacular views of the Aegean Sea, making this day trip one that should not be missed.
3. Meteora. Meteora is a day trip that travelers will remember for a lifetime. There are plenty of gorgeous views to take in, making this particular trip one a great option for picture taking. There is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site to learn about and explore, as well as six different monasteries, of which two can be entered. Visiting the hermit caves of a Badovas is also a must see when visiting Meteora, as these caves are quite unique and even allow for hiking and rock climbing.
4. Ancient Olympia. Touring Ancient Olympia is a popular day trip, as there are ruins dating back to the Bronze Age and Byzantine eras to learn about and explore. The area also has boasting rights, as it is the birthplace of the Olympic Games. This means travelers can enjoy seeing one of the more important archaeological sites in Greece – the Ancient Stadium. Artifacts that were unearthed during excavations over the years can be viewed at the nearby Olympia Museum.
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