Summer Travel for Students


Summertime is rapidly approaching and with it comes a lot of free time for students. Some students will be traveling during this free time and if your child is one of them, here are some tips to not only save them money, but also to keep them safe:

– Be aware of discounts for students and group trips: Did you know that your child may be eligible for discounts just because they have a student I.D. and are under the age of 30? If they are going abroad there are groups that travel together to hostels making it cheaper for teens to see the world before they even are old enough to vote. Do yourself a favor though mom and dad- should you agree to one of these student/group trips make sure that there are chaperones that will be present. In fact, see if you can tag along as an extra chaperone.

– Wherever they go, send them with sunscreen and encourage them to drink plenty of water: Summertime is when the heat is at it worst and with the heat come risks of sun damage and heatstroke. Keep these troubles at bay with sunscreen and plenty of water.

– Book early: This is a frequently mentioned tip because the earlier you book the more likely you will be to get cheaper rooms and flights.

– Make sure they use the buddy system: If your child will be traveling without you make sure they know never to go any where alone. Even though the larger the group the safer the child, at least make sure they use the buddy system.

– Send them with their student I.D.: Not only can their student I.D. save them on travel; it could get them in free to many museums and get the discounted if not free transportation.

– Don’t send them before their teen years: This tip may be controversial, but it’s a good idea to keep the younger kids at home if you are not going to be along for the trip. In fact, many airlines will not allow kids under 12 to travel without an adult escort.

#TravelMakers #summertravelforstudents

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