Traveling through Europe After College

Traveling through Europe After College

After graduating from college you are likely to experience something you have not yet experienced yet if you went to college straight from grade school – freedom! If you saw our recent post about travelling right after college before getting a job, then you already know the reasons why you should do it now, but perhaps you are looking for a destination. Our suggestion would be to take a tour of Europe hitting as many countries as you can before returning home. Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of your travel dollars on your European adventure:

Take advantage of hostels. Europe is almost synonymous with hostels when it comes to young adult travel. Lodging here is significantly cheaper than hotels or bed & breakfast establishments. Many will also give you cheaper rates if you can show a student I.D.

Use public transportation. Once you pick a starting destination use public railways and buses to get from place to place instead of expensive taxis and airline tickets.

Go with a group of students. Group discounts are available for a bunch of things such as your flights to Europe, admissions into museums and shows, tours and more.

Backpack through Europe. As cliché as it may sound, backpacking through Europe after college gained popularity because of how much cheaper it is to do than “traditional” traveling. Pick the countries you want to visit and plot a course. A simple search online will bring up several websites dedicated to backpacking through several countries.

Look up family members or use couch surfing techniques to save even more on lodging. If you are lucky enough to have family in Europe see if they will let you stay with them. If not consider sites like or for cheaper accommodations.

Save up as far in advance as you can to have a sizeable sum. If you start planning ahead a year or two prior to graduation you can afford the trip and then get a job. Leading up to your graduation take on some jobs and/or sell some stuff to come up with the cash. Ask for cash in lieu of things as graduation gifts.

#TravelMakersMD #travelingthrougheuropeaftercollege

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