Traveling after College


This post will seem controversial to some people, but that’s okay because it’s something I think will resonate with many people. To all those students that will be graduating from college this year- I’d like to make a suggestion. Before you secure your full time job, take some time to travel! Here are 5 reasons now is the best time to do it:

There are so many discounts available to you: From dirt cheap to sometimes free hostel stays to discount rail passes and more that student ID of yours hasn’t expired just yet so use it! Also, many hostels won’t allow you in after 30 so take advantage of the savings now!

You’re young and healthy now: Waiting until the golden years of retirement to travel the world could mean you won’t be able to do all the things you can now. Zip lining, jet skiing, sky diving – these are fun activities that may not be possible in the future. Seize the moment.

You’ll learn things that college couldn’t come close to teaching you: Independence for one, fine tuning money management for another, how people in other cultures live and most important of all- what you really want out of life.

Travel is the thing you buy that makes you richer: You could buy a bunch of designer clothes, spend a fortune on nights out with friends every Friday OR you could take in the sites of Spain, Greece, Italy, France, etc… the experiences you will have traveling will enrich your life in ways you haven’t even dreamed of yet.

The real world will be here when you get back: You have your whole life to work and who knows, you may find your dream job or come up with an amazing business idea in your travels. You’re finally free of all the things you were expected to do in your 20 something years of schooling, so for once in your life (before selling your soul to the working class) do something you want to do- TRAVEL!

#TravelMakersMD #travelingaftercollege

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